Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Bleach VS Chlorine For Pool: What’s the Difference?

The thing is they are not the same at all. Bleach contains chlorine, as it is the basis for bleach, but they are not the same. According to Wikipedia, bleach is most commonly in the form of sodium hypochlorite, NaClO, and also calcium hypochlorite, Ca(ClO)2, which is bleach powder.

There are also bleaches that do not even use chlorine, like hydrogen peroxide.

Chlorine and bleach are not the same, but Chlorine definitely contributes to bleaches’ cleaning properties that we all know.

Having your own pool is very beneficial, as it not only provides an avenue for exercise, but a lot of family fun as well! When owning a pool, you will need to make sure that the water is clean and well-maintained. This calls for a pool with the proper chemicals and products to allow a safe swim all throughout the year. Chlorine is a popular chemical used to keep swimming pools free from bacteria and other germs that are deemed toxic to people. But people have also said using bleach can be a substitute for chlorine. So what is beach vs chlorine for pools?

While people stick with chlorine, bleach can also make a great choice as it gives them more choices that may help their pool keep clean with different ingredients. Though they both help with keeping your pool clean, what makes them different?

While bleach and chlorine contain similar ingredients to get rid of lurking bacteria, the latter holds more strength when cleaning pools.

Both chlorine and bleach contain calcium hypochlorite chlorine , which are disinfecting materials. There is about 5.25% chlorine content in bleach, while the remaining percentage is water and salt to keep the bleach in a liquid state.

Whereas for chlorine, it contains calcium hypochlorite chlorine at around a 65% strength, made of solid instead of any other matter. Chlorine also contains more inert ingredients to add power into disinfecting pools.

Chlorine is the winner if you are looking for effectivity and best results, as it has a high content of the calcium water needs to rid itself of bacteria. Bleach is weaker, so you will need to add more in order to get the same results as you would when adding chlorine.

Bleach is a more affordable option as compared to chlorine. Even if you use a huge amount for your pool, it will still deem less pricey than purchasing chlorine powder or tabs.

Many pool owners choose bleach because of the price. Despite having to add more bleach, they still spend less, about a few dollars per gallon-sized bottle. The price of bleach is compared to the granules or tablets of chlorine, which is priced at a few hundred dollars!

Bleach is easier to mix and use when disinfecting your pool. All you need to do is to measure the recommended amount of bleach needed for your pool, and pour it out evenly. With chlorine, you will need to mix the tabs and powder, creating a solution and making sure everything is well-mixed before adding it to the pool.

Another point that makes bleach convenient is the fact you can purchase it from any store nearby.

Which is Better: Bleach or Chlorine?

So, which one is better to use for your pool: Chlorine or bleach? There is no specific answer, as they both perform the same job but with different pros and cons. Some people opt to use chlorine for a more powerful and effective disinfectant, while people use bleach for convenience and affordability. It’s best to evaluate what you want for your pool.

It all depends on your preference. While chlorine will directly disinfect your pool of all bacteria, bleach is a more affordable and convenient method to use.

As long as you use the right chlorine or bleach, then you will be able to reap the benefits a disinfected pool has to offer. Use reputable brands for bleach and chlorine, opting for standard calcium hypochlorite pool chlorine if you choose the latter.

The next question is: How much chlorine or bleach should you add to your pool, and how do you add it yourself?

Tips on How to Use Chlorine or Bleach for Your Pool
Adding chlorine or bleach to your pool is easy, so long as you know the basics of your pool and follow the instructions. Also, make sure that your pool is clean, as chlorine or bleach won’t do its job as well if the pool has soiled surfaces.

When adding chlorine, it depends on the type you are using. Sprinkle the recommended amount of chlorine to your pool, spreading it around. But before that, you should create the solution, whether you are using liquid or powdered form.

When using a chlorine mix , wait half an hour before you use it. Also, use the chlorine when there is no direct sunlight. Solutions like these lose strength and power over time, so we recommend you to create a batch just right for one use, or to use it immediately.

If using bleach, all you need to do is to use 1/8 cup for every 100 gallons of water. It’s best to pour it with a skimmer to avoid the harsh chemicals from harming your skin while swimming.

Popular brand names such as Clorox are recommended to use, as they have the powerful ingredients to disinfect your pool. It won’t be as effective as chlorine, but it does a good job.

It’s best to disinfect your pool daily (whether bleach or chlorine), once every few days. That way, your pool will stay clean and you can swim in it without worry of harm from bacteria and germs lurking in your pool.

In Conclusion
Your pool deserves the best in order to keep it safe for swimming. Bleach or chlorine are one of the most common and effective ways to keep bacteria away from the waters, but which is the better one for you? That all depends upon your type of pool and preference!

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| How much calcium hypochlorite to add? | Bleach VS Chlorine For Pool: What’s the Difference? | How to Balance Your Pool With Bleach | How Much Bleach to Add to a Pool to Make Swimming Safe? | How to Shock a Pool With Bleach | How To Chlorinate Your Swimming Pool Using Bleach | pool bleach calculator | how much bleach to use in pool | how much bleach for 10,000 gallon pool | bleach in pool for algae | how much bleach for 1000 gallon pool | how much bleach to shock a pool | how much bleach to add to kiddie pool | how long after adding bleach to pool can you swim | swimming pool water disinfection | calcium hypochlorite for cleaning |Benefits Of Bleach- Swimming Pool Water Treatment | chlorine as disinfectant for water | Chlorine dioxide as a disinfectant | Swimming pool sanitationAdvantages | Water Treatment Chemicals for Swimming Pool | Calcium Hypochlorite: The Best Shock For Your Pool | calcium hypochlorite water treatment | calcium hypochlorite uses | calcium hypochlorite uses in wastewater treatment | calcium hypochlorite vs sodium hypochlorite | calcium hypochlorite reaction with water | calcium hypochlorite disinfectant | calcium hypochlorite pool | calcium hypochlorite pool shock | calcium hypochlorite water treatment dosage | calcium hypochlorite drinking water treatment | chlorination in wastewater treatment plant | chlorine dosing rate in sewage treatment plant | chlorine contact tank wastewater treatment design | how to mix calcium hypochlorite with water | Chlorination in wastewater treatment ppt | disinfection process in wastewater treatment | Importance Of Chlorine – Hypochlorite | Bleaching Of Swimming Pool | Hypochlorite Bleaching Of Swimming Pool | Chlorine Bleach - Calcium Hypochlorite Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite – Bleach, Swimming Pools & Cleaning Products | Calcium Hypochlorite – Bleach, Swimming Pools & Cleaning Products | chlorine bleach | swimming pool water disinfection | Why is calcium hypochlorite added to swimming pools? | How to chlorinate swimming pools with bleach? | What is the reason for the chlorine smell from swimming pools?

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Easiest Way to Keep Your Swimming Pool Clean


Swimming pool water contains viruses, bacteria, algae, germs and a variety of other nasty things. That's why keeping swimming pool clean is important to protect you and your pool from these contaminants. Without a doubt, using is the absolute best sanitizer for your swimming pool. There are plenty of other ways to sanitize your pool, but they all fail in effectiveness and ease of use compared to chlorine.
calcium hypochlorite uses in wastewater treatment

Got your attention? Good. Then let’s get some chlorine in your pool!

Chlorine, in a swimming pool, is a consumable, and needs to be constantly replenished and reintroduced to your pool. A typical swimming pool requires about 2-3 ppm of chlorine daily to keep the pool safe and properly sanitized. Because there are several ways to handle this necessity, we offer the following options:

1. Liquid chlorine

Household bleach (the same as you use for your laundry) and pool chlorine are the same thing. They are identical in every way, with the exception of strength. Household bleach is usually a 6% concentration (although some of the cheaper stuff is 3%), while pool chlorine can typically be found in strength between 10% and 12%. All of this is sodium hypochlorite, and works the same in sanitizing your water. If you choose to buy bleach (chlorine) at the grocery store, make sure you buy the unscented variety. Obviously, the “weaker” formula will require more than the higher concentration type.

Hasa Liquidator, 8 Gallon, W/ "3/8" Upgrade

The biggest advantage of liquid chlorine is that it adds nothing to your pool except water, chlorine, and a small amount of salt. With the exception of having to handle bulky jugs, liquid chlorine is the easiest method of introducing this sanitizer to your pool, while adding the least amount of unwanted “fillers’ or other chemicals to your pool. Besides manually pouring chlorine in to your pool, the addition of a Liquidator (or LQ, manufactured by HASA) or a peristaltic pump to introduce chlorine to your pool provides ease and a daily dosing of chlorine, helping to maintain a more balanced, and consistent, chlorine residual.

2. Calcium Hypo 

Usually powdered form of chlorine. It is very easy to carry. Convenience, like that of tri-chlor, is what sucks you in. In the long term, like most things that sound too good to be true, that convenience comes with a price. Nearly one third of cal-hypo is calcium, and that goes into your pool water and you can’t get it out; not a good thing, especially for those of us in hard water areas. Consistent use of cal-hypo can result in elevated calcium levels. By allowing calcium to get too high in your pool, you are inviting scale, build up on your waterline tile and spillways/water features, as well as inside your heat exchanger of your heater and the grid plates of your SWCG. Too much calcium causes many problems, and requires considerable work (and sometimes expense) to remedy.

3. Tri-chlor

This is most commonly sold as tablets or pucks that you place in a “floater” in your pool or a tablet feeder plumbed in line at your equipment, and they add chlorine and CYA into your water, while also lowering the pH. They are extremely convenient, and can cause more trouble than you may imagine. The CYA that they add to your pool water every day does not get used up, and builds to greater and greater levels. Eventually, the CYA level will get to the point in which it renders your chlorine completely ineffective. While a little CYA is a good thing, too much serves to block the chlorine completely, and once you wake up to a green pool and see what it takes to kill that algae in a pool with these high levels you will understand why this convenience really isn’t worth it! These “pucks” also carry a pH of around 2.5, very acidic and detrimental to pool plaster.

Floating Pool Chlorine Tablet Displenser

There are many different types of floaters and tablet dispensers available in the market. Just choose what suits your style and needs.

4. Dichlor

Stabilized form of chlorine. It is granular and fast-dissolving. Sold often as “shock” at the various pool stores. In similar fashion to tri-chlor, di-chlor adds chlorine and CYA to your water and lowers the pH. Be warned though, continuous use of dichlor can raise your CYA level very quickly, that can lead to the same problems as mentioned above.

5. Salt Water Chlorine Generators (SWCG)

PowerClean Salt Ultra 320 CMP Salt Water System Chlorinator - 20,000 Gal

Installed in your pool plumbing system (always plumb a salt cell after your spa bypass, if you have a pool/spa combo) and electrically powered at the same time as your circulation pump is running, SWCG produce chlorine from salt that has been added to your pool. SWCG are covered in greater depth in the Salt Water Chlorine Generators section under “Building and Equipment”, and ease of use is by far their single best feature, whereas the large initial investment to purchase the system is their biggest drawback. You must understand that it is critical to maintain balanced water for a SWCG to properly work, and you will be disappointed if you expect it to do everything for you! It requires attention, just like most components of your pool.

In summary, liquid chlorine (bleach) or a SWCG are your two best options. Both will maintain your swimming pool and provide safe water all summer with little, if any, side effects.

calcium hypochlorite uses

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Wednesday, August 19, 2020



Calcium hypochlorite—or what most people just call “cal hypo”—is one of various types of chlorine you can buy, and it looks exactly how you’d expect pool chlorine to look.

It’s mostly commonly sold as a white, chlorine-smelling powder/granules, which are then poured directly into the pool water, or sometimes via the pool skimmer. It has a highly alkaline pH level at around 11-12, and contains anywhere from 65-75% free available chlorine.

These are typically sold in 1lb bags, but it’s worth considering a bulk-buy if you’re planning to use cal hypo regularly.

It’s also less commonly found in tablet form. It looks like a white hockey puck in either 1″ or 3″ sizes, which is then dissolved and drip-fed in a specialized feeder. It has a slightly lower pH level of around 9.

Regardless of physical form, neither the powder or tablet versions of calcium hypochlorite contain pool stabilizer (cyanuric acid) to protect against the sun, but instead contain calcium which raises your pools calcium hardness level over time.

It’s also less commonly found in tablet form. It looks like a white hockey puck in either 1″ or 3″ sizes, which is then dissolved and drip-fed in a specialized feeder. It has a slightly lower pH level of around 9.

Regardless of physical form, neither the powder or tablet versions of calcium hypochlorite contain pool stabilizer (cyanuric acid) to protect against the sun, but instead contain calcium which raises your pools calcium hardness level over time.


Well, it works just like any other type of chlorine.

After adding calcium hypochlorite to your pool, the chlorine quickly reacts with the water to form Hydrochloric Acid. It’s this acid that attacks and kills the microscopic bad guys floating around.

It does this “killing” by combining with any threat it encounters, breaking down the cell wall and effectively rendering it useless. The resulting combined chlorine is also referred to as chloramines.

Now, just because it works fundamentally the same as any other type of chlorine once it’s in the water, each have unique qualities that you need to understand in order to choose the right chlorine product for your specific use-case.

The Benefits Of Cal-Hypo

It’s very strong, so you’ll need to use less product to reach the required level of free chlorine chlorine in your pool.

It’s fast acting since it’s a large, pre-dissolved amount being added to the water.

It won’t damage your pool or the equipment if properly pre-dissolved and poured.

It’s easy to transport, so picking up locally is relatively painless, and shipping costs are reasonable too. It comes in small 1lb bags with a shelf-life of up to 2-3 years.

It’s very affordable. In terms of active chlorine content, it’s one of the cheapest types of chlorine you can buy after sodium hypochlorite (liquid chlorine).


When combined chlorine (chloramine) builds up too much in your pool, it can start to prevent free chlorine from effectively doing its job, as well as causing skin and eye irritation.

To remove the chloramines from your pool water, you’ll need to “shock” your pool. This process involves adding 10x the amount of chlorine to your pool as there is chloramine, which breaks up the chloramine molecules, causing them to off-gas (oxidize).

It’s a good idea to do this once per week to prevent a strong buildup of chloramines, but shocking can also be used to fight an algae bloom or other contaminants entering the water, such as human waste. Yep, it happens.

In theory, you can shock your pool with any type of chlorine as long as you add enough of it, but calcium hypochlorite is particularly suited because, as mentioned above:

It’s strong, which means you need less product to reach 10x the level of combined chlorine (or what’s known as “breakpoint chlorination”)

It’s fast-acting because it’s already dissolved when it enters the water. It takes about around 8 hours to do its thing, and you’ll leave it to work overnight because…

It’s unstabilized, which means the sun will burn it off quicker. In the case of shocking, you actually want this to happen because you only need short burst of chlorine before bringing the chlorine level back down to normal.

And because shock requires a less frequent application, the added calcium and slight increase in pH is much easier to manage, especially when the rest of your water chemistry is properly balanced.

We at Jal Aqua International, are Calcium Hypochlorite manufacturers, suppliers, importer & traders from India based. We have the best quality of Calcium Hypochlorite, with very competitive price. Our Calcium Hypochlorite is made with very high quality raw materials using all quality standards of the Industry.

Manufacturing Facilities For Calcium Hypochlorite

calcium hypochlorite uses in wastewater treatment

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